Tips for Keeping Fit During the Holidays

Tips for Keeping Fit During the Holidays

By admin

The holidays are a time for relaxation and fun, but they can often involve a less healthy lifestyle. It is easy to let go and forget about healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. However, you can enjoy the vacations and stay fit by following some simple tips. In this article, I will provide you with practical tips on how to stay active and healthy during the vacations.

Before You Leave: Prepare the Necessary.

Before you leave for vacation, it is important to prepare everything you need to keep you active and fit during your trip. While trying to save weight and space in your luggage for souvenirs and snacks, avoid bringing weights or exercise equipment. However, you can still carry lightweight, portable tools such as an elastic band or jump rope. These tools will allow you to workout anywhere, such as in your hotel room, parks or surrounding gardens.

While Traveling: Get Moving

A good way to stay active from the beginning of your trip is to walk through the airport terminals instead of using the treadmills and baggage carts. This will allow you to increase the number of steps you take and burn some calories. Walking for 15 minutes at a moderate pace while carrying luggage can burn up to 78 calories, equivalent to a peanut kueh tutu (80 calories).

During the flight, take breaks to take short walks and stretch your legs in order to maintain blood circulation. After landing, perform muscle relaxation exercises to relieve the tension built up during the flight. In addition, it is important to consult your doctor before starting any exercise regimen and be careful while exercising.

In Your Room: Create a Routine

Once you arrive in your hotel room, create a short exercise routine that does not require equipment. Allocate 15 minutes each morning to do a few repetitions of exercises such as crunches, squats against the wall, push-ups, and jumping jacks. This morning routine will energize you to face the day and burn some calories, just in time for the hotel’s breakfast buffet.

Out and About: Look for Opportunities to Move.

Get out of the hotel and explore the surrounding area. Look for parks, sports facilities or beaches where you can walk, run or bike. Don’t forget to take a water bottle with you to stay hydrated. Plan nature hikes to take in the scenery while you keep fit. If you are not a nature lover, tap into your artistic side by visiting art galleries and museums (fun fact: if you walk all three wings of the Louvre in Paris, you will have walked 14 km or 17,500 steps!).

And, of course, have fun! Don’t get caught up in vacation stress trying to follow a rigorous workout schedule. Explore the city, take tours, meet the locals, and you will see that the steps will naturally accumulate.

I wish you safe and healthy travels!

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