How to Create Your Workout Program: Plans, Charts, and Exercises

How to Create Your Workout Program: Plans, Charts, and Exercises

By admin

If you are looking for a personalized workout program, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, I will guide you step by step in creating your own training program, tailored to your needs and goals.

Step 1: Determine Your Current Situation.

Before you start building your training program, it is important to understand what your current situation is and what your goals are. Ask yourself what you want to achieve through training: do you want to lose weight, gain muscle mass, or prepare for a running race? Write down your goals in a specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound way.

Another aspect to consider is the time you can devote to training. If you have an hour a day available, great! If, on the other hand, you have less time available, such as 30 minutes, twice a week, that’s still fine. Remember that accumulating short training sessions throughout the day can also be effective.

Finally, you need to decide where you want to train. If you prefer a gym, you can follow a beginner’s guide that will provide workout sheets broken down by difficulty level. If, on the other hand, you prefer to work out at home or outdoors, you can follow an exercise program without equipment or using your own body weight.

Step 2: Choosing Exercises

To build your exercise program, it is important to choose the right exercises. My philosophy is to keep things simple and focus on a few core exercises. That way, you can train your whole body efficiently.

For each major muscle group, you should include at least one exercise. For example, you can choose squats for the legs, deadlifts for the back, push-ups for the chest and triceps, and pull-ups for the lats and biceps. Remember that it is important to perform compound exercises that involve several muscle groups at once.

If you ‘re not sure how to perform these exercises correctly, you can find guides online or get help from a qualified instructor. Also, if you get bored with the same exercises, you can vary your routine by adding variations or complementary exercises.

Step 3: Number of Series and Repetitions

Once you have chosen your exercises, you need to decide the number of sets and repetitions to perform for each one. There is no single answer to this question, but there are some general guidelines you can follow.

If your goal is to burn fat and increase muscle mass, you can work with between 8 and 15 repetitions per set. If you can do more than 15 repetitions without too much effort, you might increase the weight or difficulty of the exercise. Conversely, if you are aiming for strength, you can perform 1 to 5 repetitions per set.

Keep in mind that these guidelines are not rigid and you can adapt them to your needs and abilities. The important thing is to try to improve over time by increasing the weight or the number of repetitions.

Step 4: Recovery Time Between Series.

Recovery time between sets is another aspect to consider when creating your training program. The goal is to rest long enough to perform the next set properly, but without wasting too much time.

In general, if you are working with heavy weights for strength and power, you can rest 3 to 5 minutes between sets. If you are working for muscle mass gain or endurance, you can rest between 1 and 2 minutes. Remember that these are just guidelines and you can adjust the recovery time to your personal needs.

Step 5: Choosing the Weight to Lift

The choice of weight to lift depends on your fitness level and abilities. It is important to start with a weight that will allow you to perform the exercise correctly, without jeopardizing your safety or fitness.

If you are just starting out, it is best to start with light weights and focus on performing the movements correctly. As you gain strength and confidence, you can gradually increase the weight. Remember that the main goal is to improve over time, so don’t rush to lift weights that are too heavy from the start.

Step 6: Workout Duration.

How long should your workout last? Generally, a full workout should last between 45 minutes and an hour. This should be enough time to complete all the planned sets and repetitions, along with an adequate warm-up and stretching.

However, if you have less time, you can focus on a more intense workout and reduce the recovery time between sets. For example, you could do a high-intensity workout lasting 30 minutes, which will still give you good results.

Remember that you do not need to spend hours in the gym to get results. The important thing is to be consistent in your training and work hard during the time you have.

Step 7: Superset and Circuit Training

To make your workout even more effective, you can use the technique of superset and circuit training. Superset consists of performing two exercises consecutively, without a break between them. In this way, you can save time and increase the intensity of your workout.

For example, you can alternate a set of squats with a set of lunges. After completing both sets, you can rest for a short time and then repeat the superset for as many times as you wish.

Circuit training, on the other hand, involves performing one set of each exercise without a break between them. Once you have completed one round of all the exercises, you can repeat the circuit for the desired number of times.

Both of these techniques allow you to work different muscle groups and maintain a high heart rate during your workout. Choose the technique you prefer based on your needs and goals.

Step 8: Frequency of Training.

How many times a week should you train? In general, I recommend devoting at least 2-3 training sessions per week to get good results. This will allow you to give your muscles time to recover and grow.

A good starting point might be a Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday workout schedule. However, you can adjust the frequency of training sessions according to your needs and schedule.

It is important to remember that recovery is critical to training success. Be sure to get adequate rest and listen to your body. If you feel exhausted or too fatigued, you may need to spend more time on recovery or reduce the frequency of your training sessions.

Step 9: Keep Track of Your Progress.

Finally, keep track of your progress with a workout journal. Recording your workouts will help you track your improvements over time and identify any areas that need further improvement.

You can note the weights used, the number of repetitions and sets completed, recovery time, and any other relevant information. This will enable you to get a clear picture of your progress and adjust your training program accordingly.

In conclusion, creating your training program takes time, commitment and patience. By following these nine steps, you will be able to build a personalized program that will enable you to achieve your fitness goals. Remember to be consistent and adapt your program as you progress in your training journey. Have a great workout!

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